Who Are The Quacks? The AMA on Trial


My speech at the Global Sciences Congress, January 1990, Tampa Florida.

“Many of the black nobility still have homeopathic physicians and the most famous one is the queen of England, who herself is treated regularly by homeopathic physicians”

3 thoughts on “Who Are The Quacks? The AMA on Trial

  1. I think this stuff with eustace mullins (i have bought 2 of his books) is great, it needs to be put out everywhere and i am glad to see that this site is doing a very good job of getting his work (AND OTEHERS) seen and read.

    Keep up the good work, there are more of us than the CABAL realize !!

    Personality and canines. Several Presidents did not own a dog. Momentarily, lets take a view into major individuals, of which had paraded with these animals. Of course, this is not a complete picture, as to what we are venturing into, but all owners do harbor individual psychic mental resources, that clearly tabulate thought processes. We must take into consideration the late President Franklin Roosevelt. Yes, he owned a dog. The late Congressman, Lyndon Johnson, corralled a mutt. The late Adolf Hitler nourished his pet, wolf. all, Indeed, there is more involved within the canine world than one can imagine. We will consider children too, and their juvenile elevation as an unconscious transference of developing emotions into this animal kingdom. lastly, we dredge up the late Joseph Stain that ruled Russia during WW11. Stalin and his clout of revolutionaries, Trotsky, Lenin, or Karl Marx did not bother with dogs.
    The first three individuals that culled dogs were mass murderess. Of course, each had made enemies, as an option to release pent up regressions towards political opposition. The late Dr. Sigmund Freud, discoverer of psycho analysis, used three terms in designating individual cognition. This was Conscious, sub conscious, Ego and the silent ID. This mad man used the base natural asset, Sex, while attempting
    to redress mental illnesses, that has affected all Homo Sapiens since that day that christianity moved forward from its base in ancient Palestine. In Freud’s ancestral chemistry, ( tribal infinity ), sexual degeneracy, as viewed within our contemporary,
    society, is sublimated into all the professions, arts, technology, and religions. Even though Freud appeared to be immersed with sexuality as the only norm surrounding man and his struggle deviated repressions not acceptable to civilization, His straight jacketed affair with humanoids was never in need of a dog.
    Mankind is only one great child in spirit. This is because the trials of life is to survive once the umbel cord is loosed. The ancient floating womb theory before birth has become a myth. The child comes forward to be cuddled. In manhood, the individual struggles for bread. As a child, emotional attributes are placated through
    receiving entitlements forwarded from mother and father. As adults, men or women, we are inclined to pasture emotional temperaments or irrational complements in order to waver through to surrounding culture diversities. One must be controlled through self-asserted masochism, anxiety subversion, or blind self-love . Mother nature equivalents such instinctual mental slavery through sublimating
    We have spoken of evil men as mutt lovers, and little about mongrels, as to those who care little for these animals. Evolving all of this discernment of an umbrella of psychic intentions is to notice that a national mania to own a dog is magnified out
    of proportion. We might conclude that there are the good, the bad, and the ugly canine lover. Dr. Freud categorizes the bad and ugly owners as amalgamated masochism.
    We now load up the social history of the Vienna of 1900. Vienna was the most cultured and magnificent state with Austria. This was because this wonderful place practiced a civil code against any kind of noise–especially barking dogs. No kind of noise came from homes such as musical implements or shouting. Jail would be the final warning.
    DR. Max Norvave, was a native psychiatrist, lecturer and scientific researcher on mental disorders. His book, ( DEGENERATION ). This haunts all Americans.
    Listening to dogs barking all day long and night will drive people into insanity.
    We witness this in every city. Baking, howling, squealing. growling mongrels can be used to torture neighbors.. The owner, if letting its mongrel do so, usually suffer from sexually regressed

    emotionally instituted mental perversion. This excitement relPersonality and canines. Several Presidents did not own a dog. Momentarily, lets take a view into major individuals, of which had paraded with these animals. Of course, this is not a complete picture, as to what we are venturing into, but all owners do harbor individual psychic mental resources, that clearly tabulate thought processes. We must take into consideration the late President Franklin Roosevelt. Yes, he owned a dog. The late Congressman, Lyndon Johnson, corralled a mutt. The late Adolf Hitler nourished his pet, wolf. all, Indeed, there is more involved within the canine world than one can imagine. We will consider children too, and their juvenile elevation as an unconscious transference of developing emotions into this animal kingdom. lastly, we dredge up the late Joseph Stain that ruled Russia during WW11. Stalin and his clout of revolutionaries, Trotsky, Lenin, or Karl Marx did not bother with dogs.
    The first three individuals that culled dogs were mass murderess. Of course, each had made enemies, as an option to release pent up regressions towards political opposition. The late Dr. Sigmund Freud, discoverer of psycho analysis, used three terms in designating individual cognition. This was Conscious, sub conscious, Ego and the silent ID. This mad man used the base natural asset, Sex, while attempting
    to redress metal illnesses, that has effected all Homo Sapiens since that day that christianity moved forward from its base in ancient Palistine. In Freud’s ancestral chemistry, ( tribal infinity ), sexual degeneracy, as viewed within our contemporary,
    society, is sublimated into all the professions, arts, technology, and religions. Even though Freud appeared to be immersed with sexuality as the only norm surrounding man and his struggle deviated repressions not acceptable to civilization, His straight jacketed affair with humanoids was never in need of a dog.
    Mankind is only one great child in spirit. This is because the trials of life is to survive once the umbel cord is loosed. The ancient floating womb theory before birth has become a myth. The child comes forward to be cuddled. In manhood, the individual struggles for bread. As a child, emotional attributes are placated through
    receiving entitlements forwarded from mother and father. As adults, men or women, we are inclined to pasture emotional temperaments or irrational complements in order to waver through to surrounding culture diversities. One must be controlled through self-asserted masochism, anxiety subversion, or blind self-love . Mother nature equivalents such instinctual mental slavery through sublimating
    We have spoken of evil men as mutt lovers, and little about mongrels, as to those who care little for these animals. Evolving all of this discernment of an umbrella of psychic intentions is to notice that a national mania to own a dog is magnified out
    of proportion. We might conclude that there are the good, the bad, and the ugly canine lover. Dr. Freud categorizes the bad and ugly owners as amalgamated masochism.
    We now load up the social history of the Vienna of 1900. Vienna was the most cultured and magnificent state with Austria. This was because this wonderful place practiced a civil code against any kind of noise–especially barking dogs. No kind of noise came from homes such as musical implements or shouting. Jail would be the final warning.
    DR. Max Norvave, was a native psychiatrist, lecturer and scientific researcher on mental disorders. His book, ( DEGENERATION ). This haunts all Americans.
    Listening to dogs barking all day long and night will drive people into insanity.
    We witness this in every city. Baking, howling, squealing. growling mongrels can be used to torture neighbors.. The owner, if letting its mongrel do so, usually suffer from sexually regressed emotionally instituted mental perversion. This excitement relieves pent up anxiety not being released in a normal manner. We look at football as the players relieve themselves of suppressed sexual activity. In fact, this is case in all heavy sports. Self-abuse by another banking on someone is to accept brought on involuntarily masochism. This was mob rule during the Roman Olympics. Today, we keep this circus of pent-up mob depressed sexual drive via putting on man to man sports. In this manner the mass neurosis of held in check sexual repression is released, otherwise, more cities would be leveled.

    eaves pent up anxiety not being released in a normal manner. We look at football as the players relieve themselves of suppressed sexual activity. In fact, this is case in all heavy sports. Self-abuse by another banking on someone is to accept brought on involuntarily masochism. This was mob rule during the Roman Olympics. Today, we keep this circus of pent-up mob depressed sexual drive via putting on man to man sports. In this manner the mass neurosis of held in check sexual repression is released, otherwise, more cities would be leveled.
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  3. A quote of Eustace Mullins haunts me: “The government is out to kill you.” Well, it gives one pause.

    Evidence that he may have been prophetic:

    Physician-Assisted Suicide. I fought to stop “physician-assisted suicide” from becoming legal two years ago in California. But it passed. The Democratic Party Platform of California includes assisted suicide. The bill would not have passed without their trickery.

    Breast Cancer Linked To Hormonal Contraceptives. Breast cancer is directly linked to The Pill aka poisonous hormones derived from horse urine taken by millions of girls and women of child-bearing age in this country. This information has been blacked out by the media, doctors, feminist groups, women’s magazine, the American Medical Association. Visit http://www.polycarp.org/overviewbreastcanceroralcontraceptives.htm and http://www.aapsonline.org/newsoftheday/006 .

    Yet, a big story in the 1990s admitted that breast cancer was directly linked to Hormone Replacement Therapy, drugs that use the very same hormones as The Pill, taken by millions of post-menopausal women, including myself. After the news broke, the medical community and my doctor advised me to discontinue which I did after 6 years. Tapering off of the Hormones – estrogen and progesterone – took me a full year. I really felt ill and spaced out when I quit abruptly. (The current recommendation is take the drugs no more than 6 years, I believe.)

    Contraception Failures Lead To More Abortions. School teachers and parents and doctors give out The Pill to teenage girls. Most people are unaware that teenagers are untrustworthy when it comes to taking The Pill consistently. A girl can miss ONE DAY and have sex and then become pregnant. The abortion lobby, the feminist movement, are keenly aware of this failure. Yet, doctors and parents trust their teenage daughters / patients to prevent pregnancy and give them The Pill.

    Yes, Eustace Mullins, the government is out to kill the offspring of Americans.

    See also Stealth Care which exposes HIV/AIDS research which cannibalizes human fetal tissue and parts and conducts experiments with chimeras, human-to-mice organs – http://stealthcare.wordpress.com All the information is available to the public but most people don’t want to know.

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