Simpson Bone Cancer Remedy

“Let your food be your medicine…

…and your medicine be your food.”

This quote from Hippocrates shows us how much conventional medicine has changed over the years.

If you’re wondering where you’ve seen that name before, you may have heard of the Hippocratic Oath that doctors take to “do no harm” etc. Though the words themselves were probably not penned by Hippocrates, he is attributed with being the father of modern medicine.

Ironic that modern medicine tends to rely on so many synthetic drugs. Looks like the naturopaths are onto something if Hippocrates himself advocates using nutrition as medicine.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine…

…but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

Thomas Edison may not have been a doctor, but he sure was onto something. We haven’t gotten there quite yet, but with the growing interest in naturopathic medicine and getting back to natural remedies we might be getting there.

Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins


Murder by Injection - Eustace Mullins


Murder by injection is one of the most important books ever written. It’s out of print and very expensive to buy on Amazon. You can download it here for free. There used to be a Eustace Mullins website but I think its down. Do whatever you can to support conspiracy book authors and their next of kin since they are the only people who will give you their work for free.

Most of Mullins sources have turned out to be 100% percent correct in light of the Bohemian Grove membership lists that have come out. I registered a domain for Eustace and I am one of his proteges who is continuing where he left off. The domain is An appropriate website for possibly one of America’s greatest patriots.