
In his own words

6 thoughts on “Adolf

  1. This has been going on a long time. Eustace was not the first to see what the fake Jews do. I don’t know how but we must fight them and hope for a world without them. Jesus says is Revelation that he will make them come and worship at our feet because they will know that God is with us. Says to me that a fight is sanctioned by the Word Of God. Dunno but I am thankful for guys like Eustace.

    • Hey man, thanks for this. The term “Fake Jews” is one used on the daily at my house lol. I think it’s important to distinguish these snakes from people who don’t defend the ones “who say they are Jews but they are not. The are the Synagogue of Satan.” Keep going like you’re going my friend. People are waking up.

    • I would like to see “Khazarian Mafia” or “Cabal” used or “The elite group of fake Jews” rather than a general “Jews”. He does mention a
      “select group” once in this video. But it’s not clear and it’s too easy in this video to think the filmmaker is saying that all Jews are evil, rather than highlighting a small group of demonic elites hiding under cover of Judaism. With this lack of clarity, it sounds like he is inciting “Goyem” to fight the Jews as an enemy. Not only is this misleading information, but it incites and supports hatred, fear and
      division which is one of the tools used to control the masses.

  2. The “history” of “humanity” will END when the KING of the JEWS returns to this world, with ALL power and glory, stronger and more formidable then ANYTHING you or I or any other human being can comprehend.

    HIS word is the author of this universe, and ALL that it contains.

    And on that day, when he returns to this world, you can be ABSOLUTELY certain EVERY lknee will bow, and EVERY tongue will confess that …


  3. Adolf was not Jesus.

    Cross of Iron

    Even though he was crucified on an iron cross…had the faith of being blinded by mustard seed.

    and had his wedding under a crooked cross.

    The real messiah fights his own battles.

    not on his own, but with his modern mary magdelene.

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