Parasite Cleanse

Steps for Doing a Pumpkin Seed Parasite Cleanse

  1. Pour your pumpkin seeds into a bowl of filtered water.
  2. Remove any that float at the top of the water–if they float they will make you bloat.
  3. Soak pumpkin seeds overnight at room temperature.
  4. The next morning drain and rinse your seeds.
  5. Thoroughly chew 1/4 cup of the raw, soaked pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach.
  6. Wait 30 minutes until you eat.
  7. Do the above process for 15 days in a row and then take a 5 day break. Do this for a total of 3 cycles of 15 on and 5 off.
  8. If you have gallbladder problems, diverticulosis or diverticulitis then don’t do this cleanse. 

Healing Bob’s Son

Luke 21:23 How terrible it will be for pregnant women and for nursing mothers in those days. For there will be disaster in the land and great anger against this people.

Bringing Bruce Willis Back 2 LIFE

Back to Good Health.

Lifeline was part of a team of Joes who were transporting a captured Cobra Firebat by area over Malay when they were attacked by the Oktober Guard, with both teams’ aircraft shot down. The Joes had to make their way through the jungle, with Lifeline’s insistence that he was a medic and thus a non-combatant not making him popular with his fellows. Despite this Lifeline proved to have crucial knowledge that helped the team survive in the jungle. Both the Joes and the Oktober Guard were captured by river pirates. The pirates’ leader, Sarawak Sally, told them teams that a champion from each would fight with the winner going free. Lifeline drew the short straw, despite protestations, and faced Horrorshow. His fellow Joes were amazed to discover that Lifeline held a black belt in Aikido – “a Zen martial art with no offensive moves. The purpose is to redirect violent energy away from oneself…” He defeated Horrorshow but prevented Sally from killing him in cold blood, even though he could have the Firebat’s black boxes with key Cobra secrets, as that would mean blood on his hands. His courage of convictions impressed Sally who freed both the teams.[1]

Later Lifeline was part of the Joe team sent to Cobra Island to intervene in the Cobra Civil War.[2] Lifeline then became a member of Tiger Force. On an early mission they tackled a group of Lower Darklonian Separatist Front terrorists in New York. [3]